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Health Equity Projects

Following Health Safety

Prior to arriving in the United States and Wisconsin, the Hmong, had very little exposure to or education on Western medicine and practices. Instead, they believed that the well-being of the physical body is inextricably tied to the spiritual well-being of a person. The concept of modern medicine and prevention practices still incites confusion and fear within the Hmong community. Consequently, Western medicine and health care is usually the option of last resort for many Hmong individuals and families. As a result, grasping the danger and challenges of COVID-19 has been very difficult for the Hmong community. For example, due to limited medical terminologies in the Hmong language, one medical term can take up to three or more paragraphs or half an hour to explain. NEW Hmong Professionals has been an integral partner with many community-based organizations and municipalities in providing education and advocacy for the Hmong in the areas of health and mental education. Additionally, NEW Hmong Professionals has worked closely with Hmong medical professionals and organizations to develop culturally informed factual information and videos on the topics of diabetes and general health. Likewise, NEW Hmong Professionals has and continues to collaborate with organizations such as the Multicultural Coalition, Inc. to successfully organize and host pop up COVID-19 community vaccination events targeted at marginalized communities of color (Hmong, Latinx/Hispanic, Black/African American, and refugee communities).

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